Havant Community Lottery
Please support the club and help to achieve extra funding by purchasing lottery tickets from the Havant Community Lottery. For every ticket sold the club will receive a donation. If we are able to sell our allocation of tickets, the club will then become eligible to apply for a grant from the Havant Community Fund.
Simply visit www.havantlottery.co.uk click on buy tickets and type 'Purbrook Heath Bowl' in the search box that appears. You will then be able to buy your ticket and support the club. Tickets cost just £1.00 each.
Top prize of £25,000.00 drawn every week. Other prizes £2000.00, £250.00, £25.00 plus extra tickets and from time to time £1000.00 shopping or holiday vouchers.
Win a £3000.00 Christmas Bonus. Play now and support the club. Open to all - family and friends as well.
Scan the QR code below to go directly to our lottery page and buy your tickets.